Large Rosary for Religious Habit

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Large Habit Rosaries

Been making rosaries to be used with a religious habit again. For them, I use beads that are typically 16-20mm in size, tied on code. Personally, I prefer to wear rosaries made from cord rather than chain for a few reasons. The most important is that they are less likely to break, though if they do, they can’t be repaired.

All materials and tools for the Rosaries
All materials and tools for the Rosaries

This is everything I need to make two pairs. Two packets of beads, two crosses, and the cord along with the super glue to seal the knots at the end. The staw (actually a balloon stick) can be used to help do the knots once a slot has been cut into one end. I did not show myself using it in the photos as it was too hard to take the photos while holding it. It is, however, easier and faster than using just figures.

A single rosary needs 5-7m of cord, depending on the size of the beads and how many times the cord is wrapped around when doing the knots.

To create the knots that I am using for these rosaries, you need to wrap the cord around a finger and over the top of itself, working up the finger. Then you pop the knot off and push the cord down through the loops you have just created. If you did it right, it means the ends of the cord will be coming out opposite sides of the loops.

Once you have one done, it is just a matter of repeating until all the beads are secured into place.

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